Many folks swear by 'em, but these hamburgers are too firm and dry for my taste. Dressed in this case with pickles, tomato, ketchup, and mustard, the standard burger ($4.29) is a double, perhaps in part because Five Guys presses their patties flat and cooks them well done. By contrast, the hand-cut "single origin" fries — the source of each day's potatoes is printed on a blackboard by the front door — are softer than I like. Five Guys is certainly generous with their servings, though: A large ($3.99) filled a pint-sized cup, and nearly as many fries littered the bottom of the bag.
Five Guys255 South Main St., Newtown, Connecticut(one of many locations)
Five Guys255 South Main St., Newtown, Connecticut(one of many locations)
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